Title of the work: A Primavera - D´après Sandro Botticelli
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 2.0 X 1.50m
Year: 2016
Title of the work: The Spring - D´après Sandro Botticelli
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 80.0 X 60.0 in
Year: 2016
It is a reinterpretation of the work Allegory of Spring by Sandro Botticelli. The branches intertwine in the bodies of the dance of the women that "come out" (grow) out of the work to form flowering trees represents and celebrates the arrival of Spring.
It is a very refined work of art. The naturalistic details of the orange grove (a symbol of the Medici), where there are hundreds of types of flowers, the skillful use of color, the elegance of the figures and the poetry of the whole, make this important and fascinating painting admired throughout the world.
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R$ 13.500,00Price
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