Biographical Works
This page tells the story of Marcos Anthony's path of overcoming, through the colors of his brushstrokes. Telling the story, briefly, will be a great challenge. Thanks to the immense love and care of his parents, he received the best medical treatments and quality education, which allowed him to overcome his limitations and become the loving son and great artist we know today. Marcos Anthony's works have a life of their own, the colors are strong and vibrant, they tell many stories! Marcos Anthony has been exhibiting in major museums, inside and outside Brazil. Next exhibitions will take place soon: Museu das Minas e do Metal - Belo Horizonte/MG, from 09/08/2024 to 06/10/2024 and Museu Nacional da República - Brasilia/DF (dates will be confirmed soon).
"Where it all began..."
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 0.35 x 0.25m
Year: 1983

Where it all began, more than 40 years ago, in 1983. The first of many that will move the world, through the colors of my brushstrokes. This was the milestone in Marcos Anthony's story, it was from there that he gave the beginning and dimension to the great works painted by me. Mom and Dad asked me if I wanted to join painting class. When they finished talking, I wanted to start, but I had to buy the materials, imagine my anxiety! We had to ask Tia Léscia to buy it in Belo Horizonte, because in Timóteo, at that time, it didn't exist yet. I had to wait patiently. On the first day of class with Professor Josias Moreira, my eyes were shining, I couldn't wait for the teacher to teach me, I was already painting. I started by painting the flowers, I was supposed to start the painting with the backgrounds and then the flowers (through the work you can see striking brushstrokes that outline the flowers, leaves and stems). It was as if I was hungry to learn everything at once, I started "running over" the painting step by step, because the desire to paint, at that moment, was greater than the certainty that I needed to learn the techniques first, and then give wings to my immense imagination!
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

The hearing loss was discovered at 22 months of age. My parents took me to São Paulo, where I received the best guidance and treatments for the development of my speech. They placed me, alone, inside a cabin, where I only saw several holes (characterized by colored balls around the work) in the Eucatex walls, and through this exam, audiometry, I was diagnosed as having bilateral profound sensorineural disease. At that time, it was a big surprise for my parents. Although saddened to imagine the entire trajectory, with the limitations that I would have to face. But love has always spoken louder than the silence that was conditioned in me. I have memories of the best gifts from childhood, among them, the one that marked me most was a puppet (named Harlequin), which my mother bought. When I returned home to Timóteo, mom threw a big and beautiful party, celebrating my two years of life and my new phase with my first hearing aid. The theme of the party, being in June, was "Festa Junina".
Dr. Marquinhos
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

Mom said that throughout the pregnancy, every day, when Dad came home from the hospital (he was a doctor), he would rub my mother's belly and talk to me, calling me "Marquinhos". Mom hadn't had an ultrasound, but my dad was sure it was a boy. Dad was always talking in the hospital corridors that his son "Marquinhos" would soon be born. When mom's water broke, I was with my maternal grandmother, Sebastiana, and they both went to the hospital on foot. Dad was working at the hospital in another neighboring city, Coronel Fabriciano. When he arrived home, he found no one. Dad went straight to the hospital. Arriving there, all the employees came to greet him in chorus: "Marquinhos was born"! On Saturdays, when I was less than 4 years old, Dad would take me to accompany him to work, perhaps with the hope that I would pursue a career in Medicine in the future. My mother had the same style of coat made as my father, and also bought white pants to look like "Dr. Tadeu". When we arrived at the hospital hand in hand, everyone greeted us "good evening Dr. Tadeu, good evening Dr. Marquinhos". I felt like a real "little doctor", I was happy with my dad, who was always a much-loved man in that city!
Art, Star of Silence
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 2.65 X 3.0m
Year: 2023

I was born in the capital of Inox - Timóteo–MG. It was a very cold day... Mom said (I'm on her lap) that I was born at the most beautiful moment, at sunset! My parents always loved nature, teaching us to value it. My father was passionate about local canaries and raised them in cages. Approximately in 1999, he created a project "Liberdade", involving the Timorese people, encouraging them to free the canaries. Today, the city is colored "yellow". In the late afternoon, it is common for them to stroll through the city center, where they are fed and observed daily. At the age of 18, I went to the capital of Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, where I was named the first Architect with hearing impairment in the State. Later, I was awarded 2nd place in the International Competition in NYC. I was also officially recognized as the first deaf artist to have an international and individual exhibition in the country, at the Peñafiel Castle/Museum - Spain. I currently live in the capital of Brazil - Brasília. In which I am the first deaf artist to have a solo exhibition. It's the miracle of love! It spreads and infects everyone, who, with some limitations, are inspired and stand up to tell their own story!
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

Diary written by mother:
Date: 09/07/1978
"Marcos got a rabbit, I gave him the name "Totó", Marcos was in love, because when he wakes up, the first thing he says is Totó. When he gets home from school he goes straight to look for him and when he sees me at the front door, Go to school, tell me Totó! Keep him on your lap all day, feed him. I'm going to have to give him to the others, because the rabbit will end up dying. It's incredible how happy he was when he saw that he was going to be able to take him into the school."
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

My mother always said that my best teachers were my classmates at school. They contributed a lot to the development of my speech, the children didn't know how to differentiate between deaf and hearing people, so I was always very committed to communication. In this painting, I portray my colleague and childhood friend, Lorena Torres Santiago (affectionately called Lena), who studied with me for 13 years (from kindergarten to 8th grade). We were always close to each other, we also took swimming lessons together. God always places angels around us, to take care of us and remind us how much we are loved by Him.
Childish Traits
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.40 x 1.0m
Year: 2023

This work was inspired by my childhood drawing over 40 years ago. At the teacher's request, I introduced my family: my parents and me. Mom has always been my inspirational muse. A strong, very beautiful and vain woman. Here I portrayed her in an "allegorical" hat; which represents her grandeur and beauty! Dad was always a man very passionate about my mother, he always showed it. They were, without a doubt, the happiest couple I knew! I have always loved them and will love them for this, for passing on this rich heritage of love to me.
The little Prince
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

The little Prince
Míriam Guzzo
Once again, you passed into my life,
Sweet smile, elegance in your eyes,
Although, I wanted on the avenue,
Sing, sing, sing...
I had, oh my Marcos,
Eyes sparkling only with tears,
Smiling, looking at him.
Little blond prince,
In your size,
Haughty, intelligent, without equal,
I saw it very present,
The presence of God,
Of love,
Of sympathy,
Just shine in your eyes.
And suddenly, everything stops,
Nothing matters.
Only important becomes,
Your look of affection,
Which I love, very, very much!
Brazilian Picasso
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20 x 1.10m
Year: 2023

This work is a reinterpretation of Pablo Picasso, who was the greatest worldwide artist of the 20th century. In my international exhibitions, I was considered by Americans and Europeans as the new Brazilian Picasso. "With this combination of the art of two painters Picasso and Anthony, who are from the expressionist, cubist and contemporary art styles, Marcos Anthony's new art was born, as "The New Brazilian Picasso". Lee Soarez
Sublime Love
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.10m
Year: 2023

My mother was the biggest supporter of my work! She not only gave me wings to always be independent, but she taught me to believe in the strength that could come from my limitations. By trusting her, I was able to materialize all my dreams! The wings that are in my ears, symbolized in the works, are the wings I received from my mother, long before I was even born. When she became an angel, our wings became one. Therefore, I feel your loving presence in my life!
The Breakthrough of Silence
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.40m X 1.10m
Year: 2023

The work portrays that all of us, deaf people, can achieve our dreams. That we can fly to the world and, despite our limitations, we are capable of overcoming any barrier. Because I was named the new "Brazilian Picasso", I drew on the left, my Bull, who I painted in my work Guernica in 2017; on the right, I reproduced the Bull by Pablo Picasso, a Spanish artist, who was painted in the most famous original work: Guernica. The branches symbolize the union of two Picasso's: the Brazilian and the Spanish.
Flight of Silence
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.40m X 1.10m
Year: 2023

The work talks about freedom, the desire to achieve, discipline and persistence. Barriers do not have an end in themselves. We must learn survival strategies from them. This work portrays this well, that all of us, deaf, can achieve our flights, big or small. The Hyacinth Macaws symbolize my freedom to fly: taking art to the world, bringing it back to my heart, in this eternal dialectic of being, of existing!
Every Dream is possible
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

I remember it as if it were yesterday... My parents had gone fishing on the São Francisco River, I was in agony and missed them crazy, I went to the bus stop, to wait for them, with Grandpa Pedro. When Dad came down the stairs of the vehicle, I saw him holding a cage and to my surprise, there was a toucan inside. I was so hallucinated, it felt like I was dreaming! It was the most beautiful and exotic bird I had ever received. That, without a doubt, was a way of telling me that every dream is possible to come true, you just need to believe! At that time, Dad still did not have the same thought, which later made him defend the freedom of birds. He wanted to enchant me, tell me how much he loved me, presenting me with all the most beautiful things he found along the way!
Painters Project
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.50 x 1.10m
Year: 2023

The Pintores Marcos Anthony Project emerged in 2013, initially in the city of Timóteo–MG, my hometown, where I had the first meeting at a local school. The main intention was for children to interact with art and artists, as in terms of artistic education, they studied the biography of deceased artists. The design was a triumph!!! The project goes beyond art, it combines a very special cultural and social purpose. From a very early age, my art and history fascinates little ones. In this project, children and teenagers have the opportunity to find out more about my journey. The cultural enrichment, post-workshops, is clear. This brought a very positive impact to the schools, which, through their educators, realized and valued the effectiveness of the project in the lives of the students who participated in it. The impact was a resounding success, which spread to the major capitals: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Vitória and renowned cities: Cotia–SP, Timóteo–MG, Ipatinga–MG, Coronel Fabriciano–MG, Contagem– MG, Nova Lima–MG, Governador Valadares–MG, etc. The Project only tends to grow!
"Once upon a time..."
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

The portrait in my first chapter tells the love story between Tadeu and Conceição, my beloved parents. I was born 6 (six) months after the wedding, which was surprising at that time! Mom always wanted to have a son, in fact, she wanted to immortalize her beloved Tadeu! She wanted me to be a true copy of my father, I almost was, with the exception of her beautiful blue eyes. Ceição, as it was affectionately called by my father. She got married, holding a red rose and, on Valentine's Day and her wedding anniversary, Dad presented her with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Therefore, the red roses that line the sides of the work are the symbol of my parents' love. Genuine, eternal love, planted in my heart. This love shaped me, took all the blinders off my eyes, made me feel small, but full of God's loving presence.
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2023

Aquarism was part of my entire childhood. Every time we went to São Paulo for treatment with the speech therapist, Dad bought fish, which were transported to Timóteo in plastic bags. This was the way he used to encourage me to speak. I remember my anxiety about getting home and putting the fish in the aquarium. I spent hours watching them. While I admired them in their colorful movements coming and going, so calmly, I took the opportunity to create stories. The scene was so beautiful that I wanted to portray them in some way, so that they would never be lost on me.
My Beloved Mother
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.20m
Year: 2024

This work was reproduced through a photo of me with my beloved mother. It's one of the photos I like the most and it moves me the most. Because in it, through our looks, it demonstrates the immense love and affection that my mother and I had for each other. It's love, beyond life! I had the privilege of having a loving mother, who took very good care of me. When she left, I thought I wouldn't be able to bear the silence of her absence. As time passed, I realized that she had planted a lot of love in my heart. This love grew, leaving me safe and certain that she is still with me. We are on different "plans", but we have never been so together. There is a lot of mom in me, the strength, the desire to serve, the joy of living!
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.10m
Year: 2023

This is Robin, my Beagle dog, happy, playful and full of energy! Robin, had a big impact on my childhood/adolescence. He was very carried away, he gnawed at everything he saw, especially things that didn't belong to us: those of visitors. I wore hearing aids, the kind that go behind the ears. My younger brother, who was also born deaf, needed one of the devices, much more than me, Dad asked me to lend it. One day, my brother went to play ball in the backyard with his school friends, as he sweated a lot and put his hearing aid on the ground, Robin picked it up and chewed it. I was very worried and hid it, so that my parents wouldn't find out, so that it wouldn't be at risk of being donated.
The Recond of Silence
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.40m X 1.10m
Year: 2023

In the depths of silence, there are countless possibilities: on the one hand, there is the desire to close myself off, hide, give up; on the other hand, a driving force that makes me overcome my daily struggles and continue taking increasingly distant flights! This strength undoubtedly comes from my parents, from their love for me. It is based on persistence, hope, belief and faith. "The wings symbolize the constant movement of the universe; hummingbirds symbolize persistence, characteristics that are striking in me. One of the hummingbirds' main foods is flower nectar, they are always looking for the sweet side of life. They persist in their search, even in the midst of difficulties. I see this as inspiration for our lives, as we often give up on finding what we want."
The Brazilian Silence
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.20m X 1.10m
Year: 2023

Both the colors and the species of the yellow parrots symbolize the colors of the Brazilian flag. I painted the wings on my ears to characterize my congenital deafness. I believe that limitation can be seen as fuel that drives us and leads us to hope for new destinations! Despite our deafness, we can take unimaginable flights and chart new destinations! If God allows us to dream. They allow us to accomplish! It is the unimaginable of God that I seek!
My Giraffe
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.40 x 1.0m
Year: 2023

"Dad will buy you a giraffe!"
One of the first words I learned to speak was giraffe. I've always been in love with this "exotic" animal. I even had a toy giraffe. One day, my father and I were talking about giraffes. Dad, upon learning of my admiration for giraffes, promised me, with the best smile and affection in his facial expressions, that he would buy me a giraffe. That night, I could barely sleep, I was so happy! My imaginations flew away! I wondered how the giraffe was going to get to the backyard, if it would land in a helicopter, because it wouldn't fit through the door, which led to the back of the yard! Dad had a canary nursery, I thought about clearing it out and cutting the ceiling screen to accommodate the giraffe's neck. That I would see and feed her through the window of my room, which was on the second floor, facing the backyard. A thousand imaginations and dreams came into my mind, after a lot of imagining and dreaming, I fell asleep very happily, believing that I would really win a beautiful giraffe. And I really won! In the world of ideas, where it still brightens my dreams!