Title: 3 X 4 (I)
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 1.10 X 1.10m
Year: 2015
Title of the work: Photo 12 X 16 (1)
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimension: 44.0 X 44.0 in
Year: 2015
It is a 3 X 4 photo. Each face symbolizing your femininity, personality and style of being different.
Usually, as fotos 3 X 4 are used for various types of documents, such as passport, ID, driver's license, among others. ... Usually, as fotos 3 X 4 are used for different types of documents, such as passport, ID, driver's license, among others.
3 x 4 (I)/Photo 12 X 16 (1)